You can help by financial support or by donating items for patients and families.
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- Order online from our Amazon Wish List and items will be shipped directly to TCFSH.
- Support Adult Survivors by ordering from our Amazon Wish List and items will be shipped directly to TCFSH.
- Gifts for adult victims of domestic violence
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Donation drop-off instructions: New or unused donations/items can be brought to TCFSH Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Parking is conveniently located behind the building at 655 East Livingston Avenue. Please call 614-722-8200 or email with any questions or to discuss the delivery of a large donation.
Your support will help restore hope for individuals, children and families – to believe that it is possible to end the abuse and to heal and feel safe.
Why give?
We can’t do it without you.
- Approximately 60 percent of the funding for The Center for Family Safety and Healing comes from individual and community donors.
- State funding supports about one-third of a medical assessment.
We are unique among other centers throughout the country.
- The Center for Family Safety and Healing offers assessment, treatment, prevention, research and advocacy all under the same roof.
- The Center for Family Safety and Healing combines the resources of our partner organizations, bringing together CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence, Columbus Division of Police Special Victims Bureau, Franklin County Children Services, Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office and Nationwide Children’s Behavioral Health Services. Before we opened our doors in 2005 as The Center for Child and Family Advocacy, a child might have to tell his/her story to multiple people at multiple locations; now the number of times a comprehensive story must be told has been reduced and can take place in one location.
We can’t underestimate the problem.
- Five children die each day from abuse and neglect in the U.S.
- In Ohio, a child is abused or neglected every 10 minutes.
- One out of every five children will be sexually assaulted before they reach the age of 18.
- Child abuse and neglect is 15 times more likely to occur in families where domestic violence exists.
- 45% of victims we treat are under the age of seven.
- 60% of child abuse and neglect cases show a prior history of domestic violence.
We are working to meet the demand. In 2022 we provided:
- Over 1,063 patients served through the Child Assessment Center
- Services to patients from over 35 counties across central Ohio
- Over 1,086 visits from children and adolescents in out-of-home care through the Fostering Connections Program
- Nearly 9,178 home visits to 967 families through Maternal-Infant Home Visitation Services
- Training provided to 67 organizations and 199 trainings conducted
- Over 2,175 Adult Services counseling visits and 683 advocacy clients